Usually, you get rewarded for your efforts well - each dragon has, at least, one legendary item. Important note: I personally recommend using a Two-Handed sword for a tank build. This game is going to take you a long time to play, and the enemies do not scale to your level.

Dragon Age: Inquisition offers up a Nightmare difficulty mode Many players actually have beaten Nightmare with a Champion Warrior build. Cassandra/Tank on Cassandra is your other option among the Dragon Age Inquisition companions for a tank besides Blackwall, and she's decent enough. It grants a standard -25% threat generation but this increased to -100% if Varric is flanking the enemy. my character is level 16 halfway through chapter 2.I plan on maining a KE with my Inky, with Cole (Assassin Archer) and Dorian (Support). With this kind of damage, Assassin takedowns are painless. my troubles with higher tier Assassins are over. Insane! Figured out another high damage build? Mage or Rogue? Another high damage warrior build? What's your highest singletarget damage spike? P.S. In theory, I can hit a Brittle target for almost 6000 damage on my current level.

When all temprory damage buffs are up, I'm scoring Mighty Blows for roughly 2900 on each affected target and I've not even set up the Brittle cross class combos yet, which would effectively double its damage. Aura of Pain ticks for up to 150 spirit damage. Going from 50-100 auto-attack damage to 500+ in spikes. So I kicked both Defender and Warmonger talents to the curb (except Stonewall) and went heavily into Vanguard and Reaver talent trees. Realized I'd never be sufficiently knockdown resistant. I tried getting knockdown immunity on my twohanded warrior and was heavily invested in Defense and Warmonger talent trees for tanking purposes.